
Holy Footprints of Imam Reza A.S

THE HOLY GIFT from Mashad…..!!😊🖤

Blessed Footprints of Imam Ali Rezaع 💚

It is said that, in 921CE, when Imam Raza was on his way from Nishapur to Mashhad, he wanted to perform ablutions for the Zohr (noontime) prayer in a village called Din-Surkh. With no water locally, a spring emerged magically.In other versions of the story, Imam Raza started to dig with his own hands, revealing a divine spring. The footprints then appeared where the Imam stood by the spring, and the name of the village was changed to reflect it being the ‘place where a saint stepped’..

“Shabeeh’e’QadamGah Imam Ali Raza ع”
#SairaSyed #ArtXpert #Photography📷

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